When is it time to say farewell?

Deciding when to say goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the most heart-wrenching decisions we ever face in our journey as pet parents. It can be infused with profound emotions, tangled with love, concern, and even guilt. Some find it helpful to use a guide, like a quality of life assessment scale, to direct this decision. Below we have provided a link to one scale that we find particularly comprehensive.

Additionally, we're here to help you consider options and make a decision through a quality of life telemedicine phone call. We can discuss your animal companion's well-being and determine what feels best for you and your pet with compassion. Your pet's and your family’s comfort remain our utmost priority as we navigate this difficult path together.

How Will I Know?

This guide from Ohio State University is helpful, and provides guidance on many challenging considerations. The chart on page 6 can be particularly helpful to get a better understanding of your pet’s quality life.


What to Expect at an In-Home End-of-Life Visit